Friday, June 6, 2008

realistically speaking

Let's take a look at this realistically. If it weren't for yesterday, there would be no today, being realistically.

Mr. Heinz

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Well I'm not getting younger. Tonight I went back in time when playing music was all I did.. The sixties were good day of friends and music. Some grew into fame and others like me went along our ways. The village (Greenwich) was a peaceful place and the Kettle of Fish was the popular hangout after the sessions. When the sun came up we ventured home and crashed. These memories came about watching Neil Young on Showtime tonight. Panhandling and being a street musician paid the bills. New York City was a wonderful pace, and so was living in Woodstock. Life grows old as we dream of younger days.

Mr. Heinz

Friday, April 18, 2008

New Beginnings

Being home now for three weeks and unwinding from surgery and a five week stay in the Hospital/Re-Hab, I find myself with new challenges. Living now in a wheelchair presents itself with some new obstacles. Bathroom doors are too narrow for entry. I’m fortunate to be living on the ground floor. So for the past three weeks I ordered new computer parts and put together a new system. Intel Core 2 Quad 2.66GHz with 8GB 800 of DDR2 Memory and a PNY GeForce 9800 GX2 1GB Graphics Card, with a SAMSUNG 275T+ 27 inch 6ms(GTG) HDMI Widescreen LCD Monitor. A LG Blu-ray DVD Burner & HD DVD-ROM drive, all running on Windows Vista Ultimate 64 bit with Raid"0" All housed in a Cooler Master Cosmos 1000 computer case. This machine is a true "Speed Demon" I also have the best wife who still puts up with me and my computers. Life is still very good.

Mr. Heinz

Friday, March 28, 2008


For more than a month I have had a series of surgeries to save my right leg from amputation. Unfortunately, I lost part of my right leg just below the knee. Right now I’m just adjusting to this new adventurous way of life. More tto follow soon. Me taking a picture in front of a mirror.

Thursday, January 31, 2008


I don’t have any problems with Muslim religions and there society. It is the fantastical that give the Muslim Religion a bad taste in ones mouth. It is a stricter way of life and I have a hard time understanding. Try to imagine growing up in a society where as a child you learn to hate everyone who is not a Muslim. Mothers bare children who will become suicide bombers, and when that happens we see grieve stricken parents. It really doesn’t make any sense. I’m sure that when young people get married they have the same dreams as we do. Buy a home, have family get together and just celebrate life. But shortly thereafter the fear sets in, knowing their child may be called to do a great service by strapping a bomb around their chest with the promise by being a Martyr they will reach heaven and paradise. All it really does is tear at the heart of broken families knowing we all believe in God. We just celebrate a little differently. You have your belief that my worship for God will damn me to hell. That’s okay with me, just let me do that in peace and by that you will do the same in raising your family. Nice home with a vegetable garden and your children laughing knowing the is not a care in the world. But right now their frightened of this stupid war. So you don’t like the American way of life and the freedoms we enjoy. That’s fine with me. I choose to live here just for the simple reason that I can voice my opinion and not worry about being thrown into a prisonI have great respect for Mohammad and His teaching. I believe that Jesus understood the teachings of Mohammad and their teachings are very similar. In fact the Muslims believe Him to be a great Prophet. But according to your beliefs the Jews have always killed the profits. To me that’s a definition of extremists. I just dream of the day where all cultures of the world would leave everyone alone and raise their families and watch our children grow. Having grandchildren, watching them grow to have great grandchildren as we grow older in wisdom. To quote John Lennon “Give Peace A Chance.” If would put down the weapons of war and stop the accusations for three months you will see the lions lay down with lambs. Let the Palestinians have their statehood and tear down the boarders and just try living in a union of one, Each believing in God as they see fit. There is no right or wrong in that. But we have become so self centered believing their fact is the only truth and by that you’re willing to destroy the lives of other as well as your own.
Below is what I admire about the Muslim faith
The Muslim is called to prayer five times a day. The call to prayer is heard at dawn, at the midday, about the middle of the afternoon, just after sunset, and at night fall about two hours after sunset.
The muezzin, a man appointed to call to prayer, climbs the mineret of the mosque, and he calls in all directions, "Hasten to prayer." Many mosques no longer require the muezzin to climb the mineret. Instead, a loud speaker carries the message.

Responding to this call on Friday afternoon, praying in the mosque, and making the pledge to Allah, is the only thing need to become a Muslim. At this point one crosses over from Dar ul Harb, the house of the pagan, into Dar ul Islam, the house of Islam (submission). The slave can no longer be beaten carelessly, and the Coptic Christian must hereafter be given work and treated with respect.
This is a very simple, faithless, and almost mindless exercise. The emphasis is on not making a verbal mistake rather than on believing something. If the Muslim makes an error in the word sequence of prayer in the mosque, he will at once rise and quietly exit in shame.
The prayer carpet is carried by the Muslim when he travels abroad. At the times of prayer, he will determine the direction of Mecca, roll out his prayer carpet, and say his prayers to Allah

Saturday, January 26, 2008


I want to give big salute to Angela Coley for serving our country. Thank you for doing so. It is individuals like Angela that keeps The United States of America safe and free.
Angela returns to Iraq on Monday, so please keep her in your prayers. We are all very proud of you.
God's blessings to you and to all our troops overseas.
Thank you.

Mr. Heinz

Friday, January 25, 2008


My daughter Krystal, and my granddaughter, Keira.

Thursday, January 24, 2008


Back in the 1960’s I protested the Viet Nam War and with good reason. Today I support the effort of our young men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan. I support the war effort as well. 911 opened some eyes to what is going to happen in this country. The radicals are planning to do here in the USA what they have been doing in other countries of the world. If you think that won’t happen here your eyes are closed from the hate that has been growing. We are living in a dream world and it’s time to wake up. With the change of our political power in politics, we will once again be tested. This country will be challenged like never before. You may call it my paranoia, and maybe it is, but, I do sense our political climate is headed for that direction. The Democrats want us out on the surface, but will never admit to the fears of the Republican party.
We have grown to secure thinking that won’t happen here. We have become a lazy and fat society, not willing to sacrifice a Big Mac. The illegal’s are overwhelming us, and I have to press one for English. The institution of marriage is being trashed, and the Civil Liberties Union have us falling from Grace. We are all pointing fingers at everyone, but never to ourselves. It’s time to stop and get back to the basics of our constitution and our moral beliefs.

For those that don’t know.

In September 2007 I had open heart surgery, consisting of a double bypass. My heart condition was caught before having a heart attack, which is a good thing. As you can tell the sugary went well, otherwise I would not be giving you an update.
On December 26 I went to the emergency room after realizing my second toe on my right foot was black. I was admitted to the hospital. I will be losing that toe and part of the middle toe as well.
On January 17th, I saw my Cardiologist and he was pleased with my recovery, though he wasn’t happy about the fact that I started smoking again. I will need prayer support to overcome this addiction.
On January 23rd, I saw my surgeon about my toe. He seems in no rush to amputate my toe. The improvement of my toe is encouraging. Even though I will lose my second and part of the middle toe, I won’t be losing my foot. I posted two images of my foot and it’s progress, I just want to warn you it’s a little graphic and didn’t just post it in the blog. I will see my foot surgeon on the 8th of February.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

9:50 am

At this point in time,I still hate everyone equally.

January 23, 2008

Just made it to my 58th. The political parties are on edge, and there is no one to care for. The candidates scream at each other, point their fingers to no avail. Someone give them a pacifier, Please.
They really seem to miss the point
They all promise changes from years gone by. If elected, I promise to not to lie anymore, as the terrorist plots his plans. The Geneva rules went out the window on 911, and we’re suppose to play by the rules, while they trash our cities of this free world. Watching and waiting is the fat cat, waiting to strike the phat politicians as they still point their fingers in a mirror that’s blind. Hurry up and vote to choose your demise.
Are you really safe from that nuke in the mountains of Pakistan, or are you still looking the other way, feeling safe and content while the snow still falls.
Look out wall street, you’re in the gunner’s sight. Now the world is feeling the pinch as the points begin to fall. The dollar is weak, but you still feel strong, as the wolfs will gather, stalking their prey. No one is safe in Tammany Hall.

About Me

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FLORIDA, United States
PhD. in Philosophy, University of Hard Knocks.