Tuesday, November 9, 2010


It's been very hectic for the past few months, and frustrating as well.  I am very thankful that my wife is doing very well after having had two major stroke's.  She can walk, talk and has use in both arms.  Her left side has been effected somewhat, and has lost some of her peripheral vision.
We thank God that the effect was not as damaging has it could have been.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The summer of 2010

So far this spring/summer, I have had a heart attack, and now this last Thursday my darling wife had a stroke.  She is able to walk, just a slight motor problem in the left arm.  I did not see any gimp as she walked.  Since then was transfered to a REHAB".  She sounded mush better when I spoke with her earlier today.  I was freaked when I got the phone and heard the news.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Just another day

Don't worry, stay happy...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Accuton S280-6-282=One heck of a tweeter, boasting a dome from a girls best freind.

I find my self wokend up to being an audiophile junkey.  I got the same passion from when I was thirteen, I built my irst loudspeaker box (Cabinet), what a break in 1963, I got to meet Irving M, Freid,

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sunday, June 13, 2010

12,000 Minnesota nurses launch 1-day walkout


There are more card holders losing the jobs than ever since the formation of unions.  I wonder how the fat cats are doing in their hall.  Seem as your pension funds are losing ground.  By the way, my wife is a non union nurse and wants nothing to do with unions,

More than 12,000 nurses walked off the job Thursday for a one-day strike at 14 Minnesota hospitals, a show of force being watched by many across the country as a test of how fiercely a new national nurses' union can flex its muscle.
Nurses say they are being asked to care for too many patients at a time, and strict ratios are necessary to protect patient safety. The hospitals, all in the Minneapolis area, counter patients are safe and that the walkout is a headline-grabbing stunt to build membership and clout for the fledgling union.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Time to really find that simple begining to a simpler way...

Late day sun brings the long show line of forgiving shadows in dreams of a distant calamities that have fallen.  We have someones vision shackeled ion the shadow-land of dreams.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

NRA= Ted Nugent

I really have to agree with what is posted below and is posted here with permission.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Been watching a harry potter marathon in my home theater.
I take no credit for this Harry Potter image, but I thought it was very well done.
This weekend will be a Matrix type of thingy in blue ray. This "Blue Ray" really rocks.
When I was a kid all we had was black and white television. WE'VE come a very long way since "Beam me up Scotty."

Thursday, May 13, 2010


I do enjoy going to the game and catching some images.


Happy Happy, Joy Joy.

Just another perfect day for West Central Florida.

A Blue Jay stops by for a refreshing drink of water.

For the past 24 hours I've been wearing a heart monitor which has been returned to the doctors office. Hopefully they won't have too adjust my medication.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010



Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Okay, it's been 2 years

So it's been two years since my last post. Life is more amusing now as I try to keep myself healthy. I will be posting more of my digital art and photography. Also some political views.

Having a good day in my yard

Just hanging in my backyard and shooting images with my Canon 7D and 300mm f/4 L lens.


The “UAW” (United Auto Workers) are the first to go bust. I carried a card and saw many things that were nuts. For instance; one worker got paid to sit there and read the news paper for that shift, and the same for the following shifts. Mind you, those workers did have something product to do about every 45 min. When the dolly was full on one side he would get up and turn the dolly around and then sat back down and continued to read. Then when the dolly was full he would get up and the fetch the driver to hook up the dolly and take it away. I’ve also seen a plug laying on the ground, in order to have that plug plugged in, you needed to get the electrician.

Unions had their day, and unions have raised the coast of living a hundred fold and now have priced themselves right out of work. It was the greed of the union and it’s members that have busted the unions, and there is nothing the union can do but to accept lower wages and layoff’s.

Monday, May 10, 2010

I wonder if he gets it now?!?

"The Times Square car bomb attempt has pushed national security higher on President Barack Obama's agenda and could have implications for pivotal U.S. congressional elections in November"

Life Changing

Since I live on this side of a heart attack, seems as some of my views have changed. I no longer live the life of invincibility of my youth. I now look at this insane world much differently.


About Me

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FLORIDA, United States
PhD. in Philosophy, University of Hard Knocks.